Materials are one of the most expensive parts of any project. It’s important to know how much material you have, how much has been installed, and how much is still needed to install.
Hi-Vis® is the right tool to keep accurate track of your materials. Through this system, you can monitor all of the material-related factors in real-time and not have to wait until something has gone incredibly wrong and becomes costly.
Having excess material just lying around can be an issue on multiple levels. On many job sites, space can be limited causing safety hazards and hurting productivity. The transparency of knowing the location of the materials helps management with distribution. Hi-Vis® provides this transparency by tracking work orders, specific work areas, and even the site areas. A lack of materials is also a big issue, but can be mitigated using the Hi-Vis® software to keep track of how much material you have in total and how much has already been installed. It’s important to be proactive instead of reactive when it comes to materials for the simple fact of, proactive saves money, and reactive costs money.
You can learn more about the management capabilities of Hi-Vis® by contacting us at
Houston Office
11821 East Freeway, Suite 550
Houston, Texas 77029
Mon-Fri 8:00am-5:00pm
Sat-Sun Closed
Global Site Solutions, LLC, All Rights Reserved